Sunday 12 January 2014

Pushing Yourself

Pushing Yourself

On graduating university, you find yourself presented with a number of huge life decisions to make; what jobs shall I apply for, shall I save up and go travelling? Shall I save up and move out of my family home? Shall I pursue my career, What is my purpose in life?!?! etc etc commence quarter life crisis.

I realised that throughout the my whole life I was presented with a number of choices - pick from these secondary schools, choose from these GCSE's, A Levels Universities. This moment was the first in which I did not have a option laid out in front of me, and actually had to do some thinking of my own.

When I left in the summer I returned to my seasonal waitress job at Hever castle. On hindsight, that job was a great summer job, the people were amazing and I am still in contact with a lot of them.  However at the time I could not help thinking that I did not want to be a waitress for the rest of my life. I was worried that I would get comfortable there and stuck in a rut. During one lunch break I scribbled some notes on a spare paper napkin of a blog post I wanted to write, and I actually havent got round to it until now.

The big wide world is scary. I quit my job at Hever with many concerns and worries. I did not have another job lined up but I felt like I would benefit from 'the fear'. This is in reference to the popular series F.R.I.E.N.D.S  - This is the idea that whilst you are in one job there is nothing pushing you to go after another.

I'm of the opinion that believing in yourself and pushing yourself to do things you have never done before is an unavoidable junction in life. You have to make things happen, and take the leap. Someone I look up to Louise of SprinkleofGlitter once told me if you do what you've always done, you will get where you've always gotten. I also believe that willingness and enthusiasm will shine through. You have to be brave. And things WILL work out in the end. lol.

On that note, I have actually got a new job now. I'm not sure if it's what I want to do for the rest of my life, but its a step in the right direction. And if I don't like it after x amount of time, I'll go travelling :).

I am also training for a 5k run. I know that doesn't seem like very far, but im also very unfit anand I pay over £80 a month for a gym which I should probably use more lol. So I will keep you updated with my progress.

I feel like this blog post has been very rambly and bitty, and in my mind it was always going to be something triumphant. One of my new years resolutions (ive litterally just decided lol) is to write more blog posts, as I just read some of my old ones and its nice to read back some of my old thoughts. I feel like if I'd written this post when I intended to, looking back at it now would be interesting, to see how far I have come.

Anyway, every blog post needs at least one picture so heres a lovely one of Natalie and I in Devon this summer :) Completely irrelevant but its a nice picture haha.